Alligators At Night
Alligators at Night’ is the fifth flash fiction collection from Meg Pokrass, a collection of 72 very short stories published by Ad Hoc Fiction (2018).
Praise For Alligators At Night
“The nuanced tonal complexity, which can go from the whimsical to a darker irony in the turn of a phrase, has been a signature feature of the work of Meg Pokrass. That complexity is, in her new collection, Alligators at Night, heightened further by the fertile invention and unpredictable interplay of these beautifully crafted pieces.”
—Stuart Dybek, author of ECSTATIC CAHOOTS
“Pokrass is the flash fiction writers’ writer, and ALLIGATORS AT NIGHT is the perfect introduction to the world of microfiction.”—Mslexia Magazine
“Meg Pokrass is my favourite flash fiction writer at the moment. These stories work like stories within stories, the tiny cogs in the wheels of a bigger story machine but which, like fractal patterning, retain the shape of the whole story in perfect miniature form.”
—David Gaffney, author of SAWN OFF TALES
“If you ever hear someone say they don’t get flash fiction or ask what impact can you possibly make with prose in such few words? – tell them to read Meg Pokrass.”
—Paul McVeigh, author of THE GOOD SON
“These small fictions are elegantly wrought, diamond-hard, and supremely satisfying.”
—Robert Scotellaro, co-editor, NEW MICRO (W.W. Norton & Co., 2018) and author of BAD MOTEL
Read the Review in Smokelong Quarterly
Read the review in Atticus Review
Read the review in The Short Story
Praise for Previous Collections
“Meg Pokrass bops and slams through these little stories like some genius extraterrestrial psychic on a world tour of the human heart. Her language is supercharged and witty, with humor and sadness in approximately equal amounts.”
—Bobbie Ann Mason, author of SHILOH AND OTHER STORIES
“Meg Pokrass writes like a brain in search of a body. Warm, dark, unforgiving.”
—Frederick Barthelme, author of DOUBLE DOWN
“The people in these stories need Meg Pokrass. Their lives are tough but her imagination is the fire-lasso that can save them, save us. In her work, off-kilter is the same as clear-eyed focus. Here, strange and normal go hand-in-hand, a marriage that explains nothing but makes so much clear. Time after time, these little stories read big.”
—Bob Hicok, author of ELEGY OWED and THIS CLUMSY LIVING
“I dare you to read a Meg Pokrass sentence and not want to read the next. Just enter that voice voice and it makes magic. It’s the kind where you don’t know where you’re going until you’ve left, but you know it was deeply right to have been there. Unassuming, ridiculous, insightful, dark.”
—Robert Shapard, editor of Flash Fiction International (W.W. Norton & Co., 2015)