Damn Sure Right (Press 53)
Meg Pokrass writes like a brain looking for a body. Wonderful, dark, unforgiving
– Frederick Barthelme
Meg Pokrass is the new monarch of the delightful and enigmatic tiny kingdom of micro and flash fiction.
– Brad Watson, author of Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives
Read Damn Sure Right a collection of miniature tales sure to ruin your waking hours the way you’ll want them ruined.
– Kyle Minor, author of Praying Drunk and In The Devil’s Territory
I feel Pokrass thinking through her sentences, suprising herself, taking chances. Some of her lines hover between the best stand-up comedy and Dostoevsky.
– James Robison, author of The Illustrator
Meg Pokrass’ flash fiction conveys entire worlds that are touching, haunting, funny, moving and strange in the most beautiful ways.
– Jessica Anya Blau, author of Drinking Closer to Home